The keyboard is used to control your characters movement. To move use the arrow keys on the keyboard.
If using the web client WASD keys can be used.
Keyboard Key | Description |
Up Arrow | Move North |
Down Arrow | Move South |
Right Arrow | Move East |
Left Arrow | Move West |
PageUp | Move Up/Above |
PageDown | Move Down/Below |
If using the webclient, most of these shortcuts haven't yet been implemented yet!
Keyboard Key | Description |
Shift + Up/Down Arrow key | Scroll through your typed history |
Shift + Right/Left Arrow key | Switch between your hotkey sets |
CTRL + I | Open/Close Inventory Panel |
ALT + A | Start attack |
ALT + S | Stop attack |
ALT + NUMBER | Select a target |
ALT + C | Select a target for chat |
ALT + R | Open redirect panel. Splits the chat panel. |
ALT + T | Enable timestamps |
TAB | Target yourself |
Command | Description | Example |
/g message | Global Chat. Will send a message to all online players. | /g hey! |
/w name message | Whisper. Send a private message to an online players | /w maven hey! |
/r message | Whisper. Reply to last whisper | /r hi |
/p message | Party Chat. Send a message to members of your party | /p need heal!!! |
/e emote | Emote. Will send an emote to players in the room. | /e looks around |
/who | See who is currently online. | |
/who name | See some basic information about a player | /who maven |
Command | Description | Example |
/a | Attack selected target | |
/a target | Attack a target. Target can be name or room list position | /a brawler |
/stop | Stop attacking/casting a spell | |
/s ability | Use an ability | /s fireball |
/s ability, target | Use an ability on target. The comma ',' is important. | /s kick, brawler |
/autoattack | Enable/Disable auto attack. | /autoattack |
/ac spell | Autocast a spell. | /ac fireball, 0 |
Command | Description | Example |
/stats | View your character stats | |
/skills | View your character skills in the console | |
/examine target | Display information about a player/mob. Must be in the same room. | /examine 0 |
/use item | Use an item in your inventory like a potion. | /use potion of health |
/give name amount gold | Give a player in the room some gold | /give maven 100 gold |
/get | Open get window allow you to pickup items from the ground. | /get |
/uptime | Displays how long the server has been up. | /uptime |
/auc i | Displays information about auctioned item. | /auc i |
/roll | Roll a magical dice. | /roll |
/tnl | Display experience information for level | /tnl |
/fontsize size | Set font size of the console. | /fontsize 14 |
Command | Description | Example |
/trade invite name | Invite a player to trade with you. Must be in the same room. | /trade invite maven |
/trade accept | Accept someones trade invitation. | /trade accept |
/trade decline | Decline somones trade invitation. | /trade decline |
Command | Description | Example |
/party invite name | Invite a player to start/join a party | /party invite maven |
/party invite all | Invite all players in the room. | /party invite all |
/party accept | Accept and join and party | /party accept |
/party quit | Leave a party | /party quit |
/party leader name | Appoint a new leader of the party. | /party leader maven |
/party split | Share the looted gold between party members. | /party split |
/party info | Display information about your party. | /party info |
Command | Description | Example |
/balance | Display how much gold you have in the bank. | /balance |
/deposit amount | Deposit gold into your bank. | /deposit 1000 |
/withdraw amount | Withdraw gold from your bank. | /withdraw 1000 |
/vault upgrade | Upgrade the number of spaces in your vault. | /vault upgrade |
/vault list | Display a list of items in your vault. | /vault list |
/vault get number | Remove an item from your vault. | /vault get 2 |