The Cursed Lands Guide


The keyboard is used to control your characters movement. To move use the arrow keys on the keyboard.

If using the web client WASD keys can be used.

Keyboard Key Description
Up Arrow Move North
Down Arrow Move South
Right Arrow Move East
Left Arrow Move West
PageUp Move Up/Above
PageDown Move Down/Below

Other Keyboard

If using the webclient, most of these shortcuts haven't yet been implemented yet!

Keyboard Key Description
Shift + Up/Down Arrow key Scroll through your typed history
Shift + Right/Left Arrow key Switch between your hotkey sets
CTRL + I Open/Close Inventory Panel
ALT + A Start attack
ALT + S Stop attack
ALT + NUMBER Select a target
ALT + C Select a target for chat
ALT + R Open redirect panel. Splits the chat panel.
ALT + T Enable timestamps
TAB Target yourself



Command Description Example
/g message Global Chat. Will send a message to all online players. /g hey!
/w name message Whisper. Send a private message to an online players /w maven hey!
/r message Whisper. Reply to last whisper /r hi
/p message Party Chat. Send a message to members of your party /p need heal!!!
/e emote Emote. Will send an emote to players in the room. /e looks around
/who See who is currently online.
/who name See some basic information about a player /who maven

Using Skills/Spells

Command Description Example
/a Attack selected target
/a target Attack a target. Target can be name or room list position /a brawler
/stop Stop attacking/casting a spell
/s ability Use an ability /s fireball
/s ability, target Use an ability on target. The comma ',' is important. /s kick, brawler
/autoattack Enable/Disable auto attack. /autoattack
/ac spell Autocast a spell. /ac fireball, 0

General Commands

Command Description Example
/stats View your character stats
/skills View your character skills in the console
/examine target Display information about a player/mob. Must be in the same room. /examine 0
/use item Use an item in your inventory like a potion. /use potion of health
/give name amount gold Give a player in the room some gold /give maven 100 gold
/get Open get window allow you to pickup items from the ground. /get
/uptime Displays how long the server has been up. /uptime
/auc i Displays information about auctioned item. /auc i
/roll Roll a magical dice. /roll
/tnl Display experience information for level /tnl
/fontsize size Set font size of the console. /fontsize 14

Trade Commands

Command Description Example
/trade invite name Invite a player to trade with you. Must be in the same room. /trade invite maven
/trade accept Accept someones trade invitation. /trade accept
/trade decline Decline somones trade invitation. /trade decline

Party Commands

Command Description Example
/party invite name Invite a player to start/join a party /party invite maven
/party invite all Invite all players in the room. /party invite all
/party accept Accept and join and party /party accept
/party quit Leave a party /party quit
/party leader name Appoint a new leader of the party. /party leader maven
/party split Share the looted gold between party members. /party split
/party info Display information about your party. /party info


Command Description Example
/balance Display how much gold you have in the bank. /balance
/deposit amount Deposit gold into your bank. /deposit 1000
/withdraw amount Withdraw gold from your bank. /withdraw 1000
/vault upgrade Upgrade the number of spaces in your vault. /vault upgrade
/vault list Display a list of items in your vault. /vault list
/vault get number Remove an item from your vault. /vault get 2