Party System added. A few problems to fix, but can now create parties and gain experience together. See '/help party'.
Item System added for testing. Still a work in progress, only armours exist atm, still to update the client with a GUI.
Item commands
'/inv' - Shows a list of what you have.
'/inv i name/#' - Show item information.
'/eq' - Shows what you are currently wearing.
'/eq Item name/#' - equip an Item. If you have an item equipped in the slot it will be replaced.
'/remove SLOT' - remove an item. For rings or wrist items add a 1 or 2 i.e '/remove ring1' or 'r1' for short.
'/give PLAYER item' - Give a player an item. Can do multiple items like '/give maven 2 silver ring, steel helmet, 100 gold'
Mobs can now drop items.