Couple things.

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Re: Couple things.

Post by Highwind » Fri Dec 09, 2016 3:06 am

I'd like to know why phil denied my offers to purchase the source, i offered up to 75k to take control of the source and the DB/domain ect >.>
the only response i got was its not for sale and he intended to come back to it in the future :(

also Maven, if you could let us know what your looking towards in terms of game play, i could start maping out some skills/class's that you could find interesting.

as for lore and general story of the overall game, i'd say we need to look towards Dave for that, he's pretty good at that kinda thing.

I'd personally like to see the ability to set an auto attack for basic attacks, or when something agro's you.
if this is done as a hobby i'm sure we'd be something like a year or so away from a solid skill/spell and proper leveling system?

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Re: Couple things.

Post by Anubis » Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:45 pm

Maven wrote:Do you know what's going on with Rev?
So the server for Rev was always housed in a ISP data center (or CDN?) in Arizona. Phil worked there a bit before school and he asked permission to plug it in. They were fine with it being there as long as it was never a huge draw of bandwidth, and there were actually a few times they called him in it's heyday, but for the most part it was fine. There were times the server went down simply because they were cycling power or doing main upgrades to the infrastructure and we couldn't do anything about it. Anyway, that's predominately why Rev was always able to stay free, because free hosting. In the later years they finally called Phil and said it couldn't stay anymore. So he picked it up and plugged it in at home. I think it was becoming to much of a draw on his own data at home. But, as I said earlier, we've fallen apart in recent years and we've both been super busy with our respective industries. So i don't have a definitive answer as to why the server is down now.
Highwind wrote:I'd like to know why phil denied my offers to purchase the source, i offered up to 75k to take control of the source and the DB/domain ect >.>
the only response i got was its not for sale and he intended to come back to it in the future :(
Believe it or not, your's wasn't the first offer to buy out. Most of the offers came while we were still actively working on it, so you can understand why he turned some of those down. But really, the answer has always been one thing, and I'd put money on it being the same thing for your offer.
First, he is probably telling himself that he'll come back to it, knowing him, he probably wont'. but i guess we'll see.
The real answer was always pride. He started coding Rev before i knew him, when he was 17. He grew a lot as a person and a developer in the 3 years he worked on it alone and then 4 years we worked on it together. But he would code angry or we would work on things while drinking, and by that i mean, it's a mess. He got better, but it really was a mess. We would attempt to find bugs or change things and sometimes it would take a long time to really find the correct argument. Sometimes he would name functions or variables silly things, or name them after people we knew in real life. Maybe he would call the variable that stores the death counter a professor's name, or an ex girlfriend. I dont' remember all the examples, but he had fun and that massive nest of code is his baby. $75k is probably way over value, but i don't see him parting with it.


Code: Select all

i reached max character limit on post so i'm splitting

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Re: Couple things.

Post by Anubis » Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:52 pm

Highwind wrote: i could start maping out some skills/class's that you could find interesting. as for lore and general story of the overall game
This is where it depends on how much of a clone you're attempting to make the game. I can definitely write up the lore, sometimes phil and i would drink and just write the history and the future of kaldana, and i could recall a lot of it. As i stated in a previous post as well, I can also write down how a lot of the stuff was calculated or worked behind the scenes.

For example, I saw in one of your announcements that mobs wander aimlessly across the map. In the code, the movement ability of mobs was stored in the room, first. The cardinal directions were laid out in each room, and a variable that defined if a mob could exit the room in that direction or a player could exit the room in that direction was stored. Admin could change it with a command, /MobMove N set Y/N. We could change a players movement in the same way, /PMove N set Y/N. Historically, i had a room 1 square north of the entrance to Greanjok that i would teleport to. I had changed the player move commands that you could walk out, but not in. I used that to set up boss mobs for events, and then would keep Anubis there while i ordered the Boss around. anyway, back to task,

Once you have the room movement ability worked up within each actual room, the mob itself rolls a dice, and depending on the number, it would attempt to move that direction. It basically played out like this:
1-25 = North, 26-50 = W etc etc
/random 1 100
Move north
Room does not allow movement north
/random 1 100
Move West
Room allows movement west.

in the code for the individual mob there was a MoveTimer that defaults to 2 seconds, it dictated time between movement rolls, even failure to move.

I don't know if this kind of info helps you out, but if it does ask more questions and i'll see what i can come up with

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Re: Couple things.

Post by Highwind » Sat Dec 10, 2016 5:10 am

Yeah the 75k offer was an attempt to offer more then he could refuse, there's a large market for games like this to come back, and i had some interesting idea's to turn it into a self payed program (meaning covering its own operation costs)

I had idea's for a unique payed currency that could be used outside of "gold" a "fixed" currency that could only increase with purchases for example.
ways to drain said currency much like the AA system, but opposed to using a boat load of gold, use a far lesser number of the "unique" currency.

I've always been opposed to "pay to win" type things, so any and all "unique" methods would have been very minor, but gave players some kind of bonus to helping support the game.
i'm not much of a coder these days, i did alot of scripting and built tons of hacks for games like diablo 2 and such back in the day, but i do have some friends that would have taken on the project, and i know players like yourself anubis that would have been happy to continue a project like rev or something along the same lines.

If your looking for help on building the game, i could see if some of my friends might still be interested in contributing, and get you in touch with them.

It's rather shocking to look at my facebook page and the rev FB page and others of that sort, and notice that a vast majority of the active rev player base actually grew up to be quite successful, but i suppose thats something that can be expected in a game/chat room with freely open discussion on vast topics and subjects.

On that note, i'd like to formally thank most of the player base, even those i dis-agreed with often. my family life growing up was, well to keep it short we'll say terrible. and you guys gave me a place to talk, debate, disagree, have fun, and otherwise enjoy an environment i would have never otherwise had access to. (and i thanked phil for him creating the platform for this also) i'm now a successful business owner myself, and managed to avoid the path i would have otherwise become a statistic in. and every single rev player played a role in that, so i just wanted to take a moment to thank you all.

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Re: Couple things.

Post by Maven » Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:03 pm

Highwind wrote: also Maven, if you could let us know what your looking towards in terms of game play, i could start maping out some skills/class's that you could find interesting.
If you wan't to suggest some ideas on abilities that would be cool. In regards to leveling up, there's a couple of ideas I'm thinking about. The first is every level you would be given 1 training point which can be used to either level up a base stat(str,agi, etc) or an ability(skills/spells). The other is every level you get one stat point and every 2 levels you get one ability point. When it comes to abilities I don't want to have for example, fireball -> super fireball -> uber hax fireball. Where each is spell pretty much the same but does more damage and uses a bit more mana. I find it a bit pointless as you'd end up with low level abilities that you would never use. I don't mind abilities that are kind of similar for example fireball and super fireball but maybe super fireball has a cooldown before it can be used again, so you would still use the normal fireball. You'd be able to level up your abilities as well like in rev, some classes might share abilities but have different caps etc. I'd like each players character to be fairly unique and have different specs.
Highwind wrote: I'd personally like to see the ability to set an auto attack for basic attacks, or when something agro's you.
Currently working on the attack system(and a bunch of other systems!) and I'm adding an autoattack feature, whereby you press attack and it keeps attacking until your target dies/you die or you stop it. I have auto target implemented now so if you're attacked and you don't have a target it will change it for you then all you need to do is click attack/press macro key. I was thinking active skills would use stamina though, which would mean you couldn't attack and use a skill like bash, at the same time. You'd need to stop attacking first so you'd have stamina. It's just an idea so not sure how it'll turn out, but it can always be changed.
Highwind wrote: if this is done as a hobby i'm sure we'd be something like a year or so away from a solid skill/spell and proper leveling system?
I'm hoping to have something reasonably playable before then, been coding like mad the last few days. Was wanting to get an update out this weekend as the current version is a couple of months old, but I wan't to add a few more things first and will need to do some basic testing before letting you guys crash it :D. I think the thing that will take the longest would be actual game content and trying to balance things. There will undoubtedly be a few player wipes during the initial testing phase.

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Re: Couple things.

Post by Maven » Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:09 pm

Anubis wrote: For example, I saw in one of your announcements that mobs wander aimlessly across the map. In the code, the movement ability of mobs was stored in the room, first. .....
I just made it random to test out mob movement and get things up and running. I'm planning to have it so you can set a path for mobs to follow, I pretty much have it figured out, just haven't implemented it yet. It will work similarly to the way you mentioned. So you can set paths or just have it roam around randomly and just set a couple of room exits to block the mob and keep it contained. Further down the line it will be a bit more advanced than that. So you could have it roam around then when it get to a certain room it could perform an action, pretty much anything, attack a certain mob, drop an item, cast a buff, change path or whatever. I'm just keeping things fairly basic for now to get started.
Anubis wrote: I had changed the player move commands that you could walk out, but not in. I used that to set up boss mobs for events, and then would keep Anubis there while i ordered the Boss around. anyway, back to task,
That can already be done, you can link a rooms exit to anywhere. Atm you do /editroom exit direction coordinates. So you could create a north exit and not give the room its linked to a south exit or have it take you to a completely different area. I haven't added the ability to block players/mobs yet but its on the todo as well
checking for level range,race/class/stat requirements, items/key, traps and prob a few other things.

Anubis wrote: This is where it depends on how much of a clone you're attempting to make the game. I can definitely write up the lore, sometimes phil and i would drink and just write the history and the future of kaldana, and i could recall a lot of it. As i stated in a previous post as well, I can also write down how a lot of the stuff was calculated or worked behind the scenes.
That would be awesome, I'm not great when it comes to things like that. There will be similarities with the way things work, but I don't want to copy everything from rev. It would be great if we had our own backstory/history. Abilities will prob be calculated differently too, but I might be useful!

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Re: Couple things.

Post by Anubis » Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:59 pm

When it comes to abilities I don't want to have for example, fireball -> super fireball -> uber hax fireball. Where each is spell pretty much the same but does more damage and uses a bit more mana. I find it a bit pointless as you'd end up with low level abilities that you would never use. I don't mind abilities that are kind of similar for example fireball and super fireball but maybe super fireball has a cooldown before it can be used again, so you would still use the normal fireball. You'd be able to level up your abilities as well like in rev, some classes might share abilities but have different caps etc. I'd like each players character to be fairly unique and have different specs.
What if you had two types of skills and spells. The first set would be classic skills/spells, and let's just pretend you can respec these whenever you want. They feel standard, like Fireball, or Bash (short stun), but any person playing any class can level them up. Every 5 levels you get a class specific skill or spell point. So if you wanted to play a melee heavy mage but put all your classic points into bash, cleave, swipe, block, etc.. and then your class specific points into, i don't know, Supernova spec (let's call it aoe dmg mage), you could. Some classic skills/spells would have direct synergy with specific class skills (ie. Bash 10 could unlock "Decapitate" for a bruiser, or "Use Pierce 4 seconds after Bash 10 for extra bleed", etc etc).

Because of the amount of choice that i'm proposing above, I would then vote that stats are entirely based on class. ie.
Bruiser - +1 str, +1 stam every level
Mage - +1 int, +2 stam every level
etc etc.
1 Classic Point every level
1 Specialize Point every 5

What I've drawn below is what i'm thinking for the possible 2 pages for skills. the first is classic skills. These skills are available to all classes at the specific level requirement (if the level requirement is not reached, the skill is grayed out and prioritized last) clicking on a skill will show you a description, the standard cap, the class cap (if applicable), and other classic skills it unlocks at different levels (ie. Double Attack 5 unlocks Triple Attack).
Below that is what i'm thinking for the Specialize Tree. This page is specific for each class and has limited, powerful skills. You only get 1 point every 5 levels so your choice is key. Each skill in the specialize tree can have two states, Standard (when 1 point is invested) and Overdrive (with 2 points invested). For example from the below, Focused Pressure (Standard) = "Your next melee attack of any kind reduces armor by 1%", Focused Pressure (Overdrive) = "Your next melee attack of any kind reduces armor by 1%, Overdrive: For every second you remain in battle, reduce your targets armor and resists by .05%"

I've built out the basic for a bruiser with two different themes, the top theme is that of a calm fighter, a balanced outlook on the fight, like a martial artists specialist. The bottom theme is a rage focused fighter, someone who becomes unhinged and just deals damage.

Code: Select all

Classic Skills
 -(No Req)----------------------------------------------
| Kick (1)     Bash (1)    Dodge (3)   Parry (2)     
| Fireball (0) First Aid (1) Double Attack (2)      
| Rebound (1)  Magic Shield (1)                        

-(Specialize Tree)-----------------------------------------------
|                                                    Bio Feedback            
|                        Focused Pressure <                               
| Steadied Hand <                           Balanced Stance       
|                        Sweeping Force <                                 
|                                                    Unending Strikes      
|                        Rage                 <                                
| Relentless <                                  Disarming Blow       
                          Bloodthirsty      <                                 
                                                       Fury Strikes            

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Re: Couple things.

Post by Maven » Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:20 am

Some interesting ideas! Sounds like a bit of a mashup between Oblivion and Diablo 3. I like the idea of having class specific perk choices every x number of levels. Having the ability to change skills/spells could be cool too. I remember asking for a few respecs on rev when starting out. Sometimes turned down then would be stuck with a character that I didn't want to play. Which is probably why they made a respec point every 25 levels. The problem I see with having that much choice and the ability to swap when ever, is trying to balance it all. But it could be fun!

How would the stamina system work? Would each ability use a certain amount of stamina? How long would it take to recharge? If players are getting +1 +2 stam every level then they'd have quite a lot! At the moment stamina is basically like your attack speed, when you attack/use a skill your stamina gets used up and you can't attack or move again until you've recovered.

I like some of the ideas, I'm just not sure how it all works!

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Re: Couple things.

Post by Xeromancer » Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:13 pm


Xeromancer here, didn't play rev the passed few years due to the unstable sever and lack of player who logged but... I would love to be here and help in anyway to bring this new form of MUD back to life. I don't have experience in game coding but I do website development. I also agree with helping donating or something to get this game off and going.

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Re: Couple things.

Post by Maven » Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:44 am

Hey Xeno, welcome! I think Znwo is going to help to develop a site, but maybe you guys could work together? There's no real rush though, I'm still laying the ground work on the game. Will also need people on testing things out, reporting bugs, etc. Already know about most the problems with the current version, I've just left it up for people to chat and mess around. Should have an update soon though :)

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