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Firions Bug list
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:30 pm
by Firion
Your shop vendor only deals in boots and gold coins.
(Will not buy from player except boots.) AKA cannot sell any but boots.
Forrest troll located in green square surrounded by orange road in top left corner of green box is roughly 2-3x stronger than all the other trolls in the area. (player miss rate higher, goblin has high chance for double drops) However, I can kill 8-12 forrest trolls for this ONE.
One forrest troll located north from secret exit of troll area seems to roam onto the road. This may be intentional.
Re: Firions Bug list
Posted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:58 pm
by Maven
Hey sorry I keep missing you in game. Yeah when you first tried out the shops i hadn't added much, but updated last night and added a few more items that you can buy and sell.
Hmm it shouldn't be much stronger, they randomize their stats a bit each time they are respawned, might have just been unlucky? Nothing's really balance at the moment though, mostly just been focusing on getting things up and running.
Yeah that'll be intentional some mobs are set to roam around. They used to wander into town, was a bit of a nightmare if they got to TS, you'd end up in a death loop until they moved
Re: Firions Bug list
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:05 pm
by Maven
Was able to replicate the 'scroll' bug once somehow, still not sure what it is. Have made a few changes to the client to see if it helps, will update it soon and you can let me know if it makes any difference.
Re: Firions Bug list
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 1:55 pm
by Firion
The input bar bug (the one where the input bar is cutoff by client) is back. Screen shot was uploaded to the cursed lands onedrive.
Learn skill for warrior also cutoff in client, top and bottom. Screenshot also uploaded to same folder.
(Skills missing tool tips? Enrage adding agro on shield block?) Unsure if error.
Looks good otherwise so far.
Love the skill rebalance too. ALOT.
Re: Firions Bug list
Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 2:10 pm
by Maven
I didn't know it was fixed lol. I haven't really touched that code, will check it out later though not at home right now.